open to interpretation

美 [ˈoʊpən tu ɪnˌtɜːrprəˈteɪʃn]英 [ˈəʊpən tu ɪnˌtɜːprəˈteɪʃn]
  • 有待解释
open to interpretationopen to interpretation
  1. Several documents survive but they remain open to interpretation .


  2. Some phrases in the contract are open to interpretation .


  3. Dreams are open to interpretation .


  4. And many of those statistics are themselves open to interpretation .


  5. Texts are open to interpretation with general readers as their centers .


  6. How we choose to represent a scene is subjective and open to interpretation .


  7. By implication , 25 percent of the expectation is open to interpretation .


  8. A second approach is for designers to make their work appear neutral , and open to interpretation .


  9. The model is unambiguous , while the picture in Figure 1 is open to interpretation .


  10. And as such , it is often inherently ambiguous and open to interpretation .


  11. In each case , something that could be left open to interpretation from a drawing is better defined in a model .


  12. It should also be mentioned that the Chinese texts are much more open to interpretation and multi-layered than its English translation .


  13. However , presenting your results without describing their implications leaves them open to interpretation and reduces the impact they could have .


  14. Unfortunately things are not quite that simple , WSDL is a broad standard , in fact broad enough to be open to interpretation .


  15. ( Its open to interpretation whether that refers to having them at all , or just bringing them to dinner here . )


  16. Confucius only claimed to be a good moral teacher , and seemed to leave the question of heaven and God open to interpretation .


  17. My art is not didactic as I prefer to leave the experience of my works open to interpretation by the viewer .


  18. The CMIS specification is a well-written and easy-to-read document , but some things are still left open to interpretation .


  19. " Integration layer " and " integration " are both very ambiguous terms , and their definitions are open to interpretation depending on the context .


  20. The vague nature of " I 'm really busy " leaves the real reason why you 're being unavailable to a friend open to interpretation .


  21. But the figures are open to interpretation , with economists divided over whether they provide cast-iron evidence that speculative inflows have dried up .


  22. Don 't leave anything open to interpretation - say that you 're looking for work explicitly , and be clear about what types of roles you 're interested in .


  23. And whilst it requires that the metadata be strictly defined ( of which the version number is part ), the contents of the version are left open to interpretation .


  24. She believes that much of the data were open to interpretation , and that the public wasn 't harmed by the White House 's decision to adopt the more reassuring analysis .


  25. Amber 's booking form states that " Children under 12 are not recommended . " ( It 's open to interpretation whether that refers to having them at all , or just bringing them to dinner here . )


  26. The words extremely and numerous are open to broad interpretation & so this requirement is ambiguous .


  27. The grammatical ambiguity refers to a sentence open to an interpretation of several different presuppositions .


  28. You feel ill at ease with purely conceptual ideas or with anything that is intangible or open to personal interpretation and debate .


  29. Fang Binggui , a folklorist based in southeast China 's Fuzhou City , says the image of the zodiac Yang is open to regional interpretation .


  30. Using industry standard data models as an example , many are vague and open to different semantic interpretation .
